
Astra Limousines


McCarroll's Automotive Group

Astra Limousines - McCarroll's Automotive Group

About McCarroll

If there is one thing that people who live in the bush are aware of, it is that planting anything does not guarantee that it will flourish. You have to take good care of it, feed it, and wait for it to grow.

The original partnership between Phil McCarroll, the child from the bush, and the Martin Ford Dealership in 1978 planted the seeds for the McCarroll’s Automotive Group in Cooma, a rural area of New South Wales.

The McCarroll’s Automotive Group’s straightforward business philosophy, which states that every customer should be treated like a guest in their home, is what led to this fostering.

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McCarroll's Philosophy

The McCarroll business ethos is to treat every client like a guest in our house. We take pride in going above and beyond to provide the best possible customer service, which is why we are passionate, engaged, and respectful.

Since then, the McCarroll’s name has become a byword for customer service in Australia. Since our customers are the heart of our business, we establish solid, long-lasting relationships with them to make sure we are always meeting their needs, no matter what they may be.

The McCarroll’s Automotive Group has expanded as a result of adhering to this straightforward attitude. Our commitment to serving our customers has remained constant throughout our growth from that first Ford dealership to a market-leading automotive group that represents several of the top brands in the world. 

This is a family business, and our clients are members of that same family, too.

McCarroll's Automotive Group

Astra Limousines - McCarroll's Automotive Group

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